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Toddler Program (2 1/2 - 3 years old)


Our Toddler program is a focused on developing an age appropriate curriculum which will emphasize their language development, social and emotional skills. At this age children make great strides towards independence and problem solving. In this classroom there is a large focus on potty training and getting children ready for the next stage of preschool.


Our teachers provide a weekly lesson plan that outlines the activities and learning topics for the week. This includes group time, sensory, art projects and large motor activities such as dancing, climbing and playing outside.  We provide parents with a daily sheet so that the parents are aware of all daily feedings, diaper changes, bathroom visits and activities.


From age two to three children become very independent and adventurous. Our program has been developed to create learning experiences and social experiences through play, projects, and activities. We provide structure that allows each child to grow, learn and express themselves while feeling safe and comfortable in their environment.

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