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Pre-Kindergarten Program


Our Pre-Kindergarten program consists of two small classrooms with a maximum of 13 children and two teachers in each classroom. The Pre-K Program is designed to prepare four-year-old children academically and socially with the learning experiences they need in order to succeed in Kindergarten.


Pre-Kindergarten can potentiall become a child’s most exciting year in school. By the time they reach four-years-old, children are naturally curious and eager to learn. In our Pre-K program, children learn to interact with others as well as monitor their own behavior. Children learn to express themselves through words, art, and music while also developing observation and thinking skills through math, science, sensory and other gross motor skill activities. Our teachers provide a weekly lesson plan that outlines all activities for the week. This includes but is not limited to group time, reading, writing, sensory, science, social studies and large motor skill activities. Participation in the Pre-K Program is always encouraged and helps children develop pre-academic and social skills that will help them in their educational career along with building friendships, having fun, and making memories.

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